October 1st, 1987, Day off
1:30 p.m.
Abdul has a friend who sells rock. I had an oz cooked up and brought over- it will be here in a while.
I'm depressed, and I don't know why. I can't get outta this place in my head. I can't shake it off. Drugs make it better- drugs make it worse. Every time I'm gonna stop, I get the itch...
Oh my God - as soon as I got the rock and hit the pipe I thought my heart was gonna jump outta my chest. The whole house started shaking, rolling and shit was falling off the walls. It threw me on the ground and I realized we were having a fucking earthquake. I didn't know what to do so I ran outside, pipe in hand, and the door locked itself behind me. I was naked and had to run around the back of the house and break the window to get in. Then the alarm went off, and the security company called. Days like this I wish I didn't get out of bed...
5 p.m.
Flushed the coke in case there is another quake. I don't think my heart can take it. I took a few pills and I'm starting to get tired. We have a show in San Fransisco and I don't want any chance to get more coke. I'm gonna go play my guitar and lay in bed till I fall out.
IAN GITTINS: The Los Angeles earthquake of October 1, 1987, measured 5,9 on the Richter scale. It killed eight people, injured scores more, and left 2,200 people homeless and more than 10,000 buildings badly damaged. However, Nikki Sixx was by far the most infamous Los Angeleno to react to the quake by running out of his house butt-naked and waving a crack pipe.
See raamat on raamat, mida võib olla raske ja kohati ebameeldiv lugeda. Mul võttis selle lugemine paar kuud. Suurte pausidega. Aga nüüd, kui ma ta täna lõpetasin, mõistsin, et see on damn good book.
Inimesed, kes on narkootikumide küüsi sattunud peaksid seda lugema. Ja sellest õppust võtma.
Parim raamat omas valdkonnas.
Soovitan kõigile, ka neile, kes ei ole narkosõltlased!
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Mis see "oma valdkond" on? (et siis ma teaksin, kas vastu vaielda või mitte, olenemata sellest, et ma seda konkreetset raamatut lugenud ei ole :D)
Oma valdkond- päevikud. Lisaks sellele narkoteemalised raamatud. Kuigi ma ei ole neis just väga pädev. Aga need, kes on pädevad, on kritiseerinud seda raamatut positiivselt.
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