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The Guitar


How would you behave if you had to confront your own mortality? Especially if you were young, in your twenties or early thirties, how would you react if you learned you had less than two months to live? These questions create the point of departure for Amy Redford’s whimsical fairytale The Guitar, a thoroughly engaging almost mythological allegory that is fueled by the exceptional performance of Saffron Burrows and executed with style by its director.

One morning Mel, a mousy, harried New Yorker with a thankless job and an even-less-appealing boyfriend learns that the tumor in her throat is cancerous; the diagnosis is terminal, so it seems that both her job and her relationship are kaput. Rather than lying down and dying then and there, she embarks on an endless spree, the kind of self-indulgent wish fulfillment that we have all fantasized about.

Written by Amos Poe, and based on a real story, this beautifully realized parable speaks volumes about living. Overflowing with an energy and vitality that belies the initial darkness of its narrative, The Guitar is a transcendent respite from the turmoil of our troubled times. It is sure to capture both your imagination and your heart. -- Geoffrey Gilmore


Sattusin seda filmi vaatama täiesti juhuslikult. Tahtsin mingit filmi vaadata watch-movies-links.net-st ja klikkisin suvalistele tähtedele tähestikus. Ette juhtus selle filmi pealkiri. Mõtlesin, et vaataks seda, sest pealkiri tundus ahvatlev.
Tagantjärele võin öelda, et ei kahetse oma otsust. Film on sürreaalne ja edasiviiv. Filmis pole palju tegevust ja suurem osa tegevust toimub ühes ruumis. Enamasti kujutatakse peategelast ja tema siseelu. Sõnu pole filmis palju, kuid ta on siiski paeluv. Vaatamise ajal ei tekkinud kordagi mõtet, et millal see läbi saab.
Ühseõnaga, soovitan seda filmi vaadata kõigil, kellele meeldivad ebatavalised asjad.


Inimesele peab jääma võimalus istutada oma puu


Kirjutan siia oma arutluse, sest ma sain selle eest üle hulga aja hea hinde. Samuti sellepärast, et teemas on käsitletud asju, mis peaks inimesi nende üle mõtlema panema.

Rahvatarkus ütleb, et kes on oma elus puu istutanud, see pole asjata elanud. Puu istutamine on püha - pannakse ju siiski algus elule. Kahjuks võetakse mõnikord see võimalus inimeselt ära.
Eelmisel sajandil tominud maailmasõjad tapsid mitmekümneid miljoneid inimesi justkui lõputult hävitav hakklihamasin. Paljud mehed, kes sõtta läksid, ei omanud teist valikut - riigis oli välja kuulutatud sundmobilisatsioon. Enamasti noored mehed läksid ja jäid lahingutandrile. Rahvas mäletab ainult hukkunute arvu, isikuid aga ei meenuta keegi peale lähedaste nimepidi. Ometi omasid kõik hukkunud nime, pere, sõpru. Paljudel polnud oma pere veel loodudki. Üldsuse jaoks nimedeta ja nägudeta mehed kujutasid massina riigi jaoks kangelasi. Hukkunutest jäid maha valu ja kannatused. Miljonitelt inimestelt võeti ära õigus elule ja võimalus endast järglasi järele jätta. Pikkamööda vajuvad need inimesed unustuse hõlma. Pole lapsi, kes neid mäletaks, pole puud, mida nad istutanud oleksid.
Inimõiguste deklaratsiooni kõige tähtsam klausel ütleb, et igal inimesel on õigus elule. Teise maailmasõja ajal teostasid Hitler ja Stalin suurima võimaliku kuriteo - nad lasid maha, põletasid, mürgitasid, piinasid surnuks miljonid süütud inimesed. Sellise massimõrva põhjenduseks tõi Hitler rassipuhtuse ja Stalin inimeste materiaalse võrdsuse. Enamasti hukati neid, kes olid midagi saavutanud või saavutamas - inimesi, kel oli võimalus jätta endast maha jälg - "puu", mis kasvaks ja mida mäletataks. Inimesi tapeti valimatult - polnud vahet, kas ta oli rase, noor, vana, imik, haige. Tapeti kellegi juba istutatud puid - kellegi lapsi.
Sarnaselt sõjas kaotatud rahvale hävitame ja oleme hävitanud pikka aega metsi, mis on elu allikaks - toodavad nad ju hapnikku, mida hingame. Henrik Tikkanen on öelnud: "Because we don't think about future generations, they will never forget us." Hävitades puid, hävitame oma tuleviku. Maha võetud metsade asemele ehitatakse linnasid, mistõttu vaba ruumi jääb aina vähemaks. Sellega võtame tulevastelt põlvedelt ära võimaluse istutada oma puu. See paneb ju järeltulijaid meid küll mäletama, aga kui positiivselt? Praegust raiskamist jätkates meenutab iga järgmine põlvkond eelmist üha negatiivsemalt. Siiski - meid mäletatakse. Oleme istutanud oma puu, ag mis hinnaga?
Massid võivad jätta endast maha ühtemoodi mälestuse, kuid üksikisik teise. Iga inimene, kes lahkub siit ilmast, jätab endast jälje oma järeltulijatesse. Temast jäävad mälestused püsivad mõnda aega või ka väga pikalt. Isegi need, kes noorelt surevad, võivad endast maha jätta märgi väga pikaks ajaks. 1959. aasta 3. veebruaril kukkus alla väikelennud. Õnnetuses hukkusid tolleks ajaks juba kuulsaks saanud 17-aastane Ritchie Valens ja 22-aastane Buddy Holly. Endast jätsid nad maha palju vapustavat loomingut ja hulga leinavaid fänne. Nad olid juba istutanud oma puu, aga siiski paneb mõtlema, kui palju nad veel oleks suutnud, kui nende elutee poleks nii õnnetul kombel katkenud. Buddy Hollyl ja Ritchie Valensil oli võimalus istutada terve mets, aga see võimalus võeti neilt järsult. Sellised sündmused on paratamatud, aga panevad meid mõtlema elu väärtuse üle.
Elu on hindamatu. Täpselt sama hindamatu on selle täisväärtuslik elamine, järglaste saamine, mälestuste jätmine, puu istutamine. Kuigi läbi ajaloo on inimestelt võetud vüi on kaduma läinud võimalus jätta endast maha jälg, oleks see siiski kõigil pidanud olemas olema. Inimesele peab jääma võimalus istutada oma puu, võimalus elada nii, et elu poleks raisku läinud.



The day that music died


On February 3, 1959, a small-plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, United States killed three American rock and roll musicians: Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, as well as the pilot, Roger Peterson [1]. The day was later called The Day the Music Died by Don McLean in his 1971 song "American Pie".
"The Winter Dance Party" was a tour that was set to cover 24 Midwestern cities in three weeks. A logistical problem with the tour was the amount of travel, as the distance between venues was not a priority when scheduling each performance. For example, the tour would start at venue A, travel 200 miles (320 km) to venue B, and travel back 170 miles (270 km) to venue C, which was only 30 miles (48 km) from venue A. Adding to the disarray, the tour bus used to carry the musicians was ill-prepared for the weather; its heating system broke shortly after the tour began. Drummer Carl Bunch developed a severe case of frostbitten feet while on the bus and was taken to a local hospital. As he recovered, Buddy Holly and Ritchie Valens took turns with the drums. The Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa was never intended to be a stop on the tour, but promoters, hoping to fill an open date, called the manager of the ballroom at the time and offered him the show. He accepted and the date of the show was set for February 2.

By the time Buddy Holly arrived at the ballroom that evening, he was frustrated with the tour bus and told his bandmates that, once the show was over, they should try to charter a plane to get to the next stop on the tour, Moorhead, Minnesota. According to VH-1's Behind the Music: The Day the Music Died, Holly was also upset that he had run out of clean undershirts, socks, and underwear. He needed to do some laundry before the next performance, and the local laundromat in Clear Lake was closed that day.

Flight arrangements were made with Roger Peterson, 21, a local pilot who worked for Dwyer Flying Service in Mason City, Iowa. A fee of $36 per person was charged for the single engine Beechcraft Bonanza B35 (V-tail), registration N3794N (later reassigned). The Bonanza could seat three passengers in addition to the pilot.First on the scene was Bill Elliot.

Richardson had developed a case of the flu during the tour and asked one of Holly's bandmates, Waylon Jennings, for his seat on the plane; Jennings agreed to give up the seat. When Holly learned that Jennings wasn't going to fly, he said, "Well, I hope your ol' bus freezes up." Jennings responded, "Well, I hope your ol' plane crashes." This exchange of words, though made in jest at the time, haunted Jennings for the rest of his life.

Ritchie Valens had never flown in a small plane before, and asked Holly's remaining bandmate on the plane, Tommy Allsup, for the seat. Tommy said "I'll flip ya for the remaining seat." Contrary to what is seen in biographical movies, that coin toss did not happen at the airport shortly before takeoff, nor did Buddy Holly toss it. The toss happened at the ballroom shortly before departure to the airport, and the coin was tossed by a DJ who was working the concert that night. Valens won a seat on the plane.

Dion DiMucci of Dion & The Belmonts, who was the fourth headline performer on the tour, was approached to join the flight as well; however, the price of $36 was too much. Dion had heard his parents argue for years over the $36 rent for their apartment and could not bring himself to pay an entire month's rent for a short plane ride.
At approximately 1:00 AM Central Time on February 3, the plane took off from Mason City Municipal Airport. Around 1:05, Jerry Dwyer, the owner of Dwyer Flying Service, could see the lights of the plane start to descend from the sky to the ground. At the time, he thought it was an optical illusion because of the curvature of the Earth and the horizon.

The pilot, Roger Peterson, was expected to file his flight plan once the plane was airborne, but Peterson never called the tower. Repeated attempts by Dwyer to contact his pilot failed. By 3:30 AM, when the airport at Fargo had not heard from Peterson, Dwyer contacted authorities and reported the aircraft missing.

Around 9:15 in the morning, Dwyer took off in another small plane to fly Peterson's intended route. A short time later Dwyer spotted the wreckage in a cornfield belonging to Albert Juhl, about 5 miles northwest of the airport ( [show location on an interactive map] 43°13′12″N 93°23′0″W / 43.22°N 93.38333°W / 43.22; -93.38333Coordinates: [show location on an interactive map] 43°13′12″N 93°23′0″W / 43.22°N 93.38333°W / 43.22; -93.38333). The manager of the Surf Ballroom, who drove the performers to the airport and witnessed the plane taking off, made the positive identification of the performers.

The Bonanza was at a slight downward angle and banked to the right when it struck the ground at around 170 miles per hour (270 km/h). The plane tumbled and skidded another 570 feet (170 m) across the frozen landscape before the crumpled ball of wreckage piled against a wire fence at the edge of Albert Juhl's property. The bodies of Holly and Valens lay near the plane, Richardson was thrown over the fence and into the cornfield of Juhl's neighbor Oscar Moffett, and Peterson remained trapped inside. All four had died instantly from "gross trauma" to the brain, the county coroner Ralph Smiley declared. Holly's death certificate detailed the multiple injuries which show that he surely died on impact: The body of Charles H. Holley was clothed in an outer jacket of yellow leather-like material in which 4 seams in the back were split almost full length. The skull was split medially in the forehead and this extended into the vertex region. Approximately half the brain tissue was absent. There was bleeding from both ears, and the face showed multiple lacerations. The consistency of the chest was soft due to extensive crushing injury to the bony structure. The left forearm was fractured 1/3 the way up from the wrist and the right elbow was fractured. Both thighs and legs showed multiple fractures. There was a small laceration of the scrotum.

In 2007, Richardson's son had an autopsy performed on his father to verify the original finding. In part this was done because of the long known discovery of Holly's .22 calibre pistol in the cornfield two months after the wreck, giving rise to the question of whether or not an accidental firearm discharge had caused the crash, and to whether Richardson had walked away from the wreckage because his body was found farther from it. William M. Bass undertook the procedure and confirmed Smiley's report. The body of Richardson was in good preservation but showed "massive fractures" showing that he too had surely died on impact.[8][9]

Investigators came to the conclusion that the crash was due to a combination of poor weather conditions and pilot error.
Peterson had performed poorly on his previous flight instrumentation tests and was not rated for night-time flight, when he would have to rely on his instruments rather than his own vision. They also found that Peterson was not given accurate advice about the weather conditions of his route, which, given his known limitations, might have caused him to postpone the flight.

PS: Holly's pregnant wife became a widow after barely six months of marriage and miscarried soon after.Maria Holly did not attend the funeral and has never visited the grave site. She told the Avalanche-Journal: "In a way, I blame myself. I was not feeling well when he left. I was two weeks pregnant, and I wanted Buddy to stay with me, but he had scheduled that tour. It was the only time I wasn't with him. And I blame myself because I know that, if only I had gone along, Buddy never would have gotten into that airplane."

PS2: Ritchie oleks saanud 13. mail 18-aastaseks.

PS3: Palun, kui leidub kedagi, kellel on olemas film "The Buddy Holly story", siis andke teada. PALUN!