
The Guitar


How would you behave if you had to confront your own mortality? Especially if you were young, in your twenties or early thirties, how would you react if you learned you had less than two months to live? These questions create the point of departure for Amy Redford’s whimsical fairytale The Guitar, a thoroughly engaging almost mythological allegory that is fueled by the exceptional performance of Saffron Burrows and executed with style by its director.

One morning Mel, a mousy, harried New Yorker with a thankless job and an even-less-appealing boyfriend learns that the tumor in her throat is cancerous; the diagnosis is terminal, so it seems that both her job and her relationship are kaput. Rather than lying down and dying then and there, she embarks on an endless spree, the kind of self-indulgent wish fulfillment that we have all fantasized about.

Written by Amos Poe, and based on a real story, this beautifully realized parable speaks volumes about living. Overflowing with an energy and vitality that belies the initial darkness of its narrative, The Guitar is a transcendent respite from the turmoil of our troubled times. It is sure to capture both your imagination and your heart. -- Geoffrey Gilmore


Sattusin seda filmi vaatama täiesti juhuslikult. Tahtsin mingit filmi vaadata watch-movies-links.net-st ja klikkisin suvalistele tähtedele tähestikus. Ette juhtus selle filmi pealkiri. Mõtlesin, et vaataks seda, sest pealkiri tundus ahvatlev.
Tagantjärele võin öelda, et ei kahetse oma otsust. Film on sürreaalne ja edasiviiv. Filmis pole palju tegevust ja suurem osa tegevust toimub ühes ruumis. Enamasti kujutatakse peategelast ja tema siseelu. Sõnu pole filmis palju, kuid ta on siiski paeluv. Vaatamise ajal ei tekkinud kordagi mõtet, et millal see läbi saab.
Ühseõnaga, soovitan seda filmi vaadata kõigil, kellele meeldivad ebatavalised asjad.


Kaie said...

Ma vaatasin selle filmi ära...
Kusjuures ma ei oodanud sellist lõppu. Väga huvitav :)
Tänan soovituse eest!

Anonymous said...

Aga palun;)