


Today I went to a town called Tiverton which is in the Devon county. I went as an escort with the residents and they had some kind of service-users meeting where they discussed the policies. During their meeting me and Jim (who's the van driver in our home) had this kind of free time and took a walk around in the city. We talked a lot about music and our work and travelling. It was really cool. And Tiverton is also such a lovely little town. There is a church from the year 1074 (or something like that) and it looks absolutely fabulous! I really enjoy every minute in here and love all the things I'm doing. I can say that my life is just perfect!

Also. Jim told me some interesting things about the motorbike culture in Britain. There are bikers (he is one of them) who go out when spring comes and gather into different places. They do the egg-race which means that they will drive from Taunton to Weston (I think those were the places) and stop in all the children's homes and give them easter eggs. And they also did give clothes they didn't wear anymore and which were in good condition, to people who where in homeless shelters. They also closed down one of the big bridges connecting England and Wales and had bikers' gathering over there and party, too. The maximum amount of bikers that have been to this meeting, are around 7000. I would really like to see that.
I also found out from Jim more about risk assessment and I will try to think now more in the way that he does. It's really cool how he can think about so many things at the same time and think so much ahead. I'd like to do that. Maybe in the future.
I learnt a lot about Britain today and it was a great trip out!

And it's spring in here.

And furthermore- I found some dark brown bread in Weston yesterday. We went there with Gaye and had a lovey day out. Even the sun started shining when we got there. In the morning it was all misty. (actually it was the same today). And I bought a documentary about Kurt Cobain for 1 pound from a shop :)

I am enjoying every minute I spend in this country. I can swear it!


Kaie said...

Nii hea on kuulda, et sulle meeldib seal. :)
Teed minu tuju ka heaks.

Ja ma kadestan sind, sest saad nii õhukestes riietes nõnda kauni puu taustal poseerida. ;)
Meil on siin lumi ja jää maas. Ja tuleb muudkui juurde.

Liis said...

Nii nii ilusad pildid.. meil siin on ikka veel ühtlaselt hall.. kuigi vahepeal ikka näitab natuke päikest ka .. Kalli !

Kerttu said...

Miski ei suuda selle esimese pildiga võistelda. :D :P

Tegelikult, ma saan nädalavahetusel koju, meil juba lumikellukesed õitsevad (väiksed rõõmud)(tähendab, juba selles mõttes, et lumi on enamuses ikka maas ju veel). Aga täna on päike!

Loodan, et seal ka. :)

Maria said...

See nädal on suht naljakas ilm- pool päeva sajab paduvihma ja siis õhtul paistab päike nagu vihma poleks olnudki.

Aga jah, on küll ilusad pildid!