


We've been trying to drive around with bicycles since she got here. Once the seat was too high for her and the tire was flat, then it got fixed. Then yesterday the bicycle had some problems with gears so they didn't fixate. I basically broke my heel when I tried to drive with it. The problem was fixed. Then today, went to Axbridge with bikes again and.... Surprise surprise! The tire broke so the gum part that has air inside, came out of it and we couldn't drive on. Right now the bike is in Axbridge, locked to one of the posts....

Oh and what I said couple of posts ago about the fact that I don't miss Estonia at all, is wrong. I miss it very much. I realised it today. It's just that if I don't think about Estonia and focus on things that are here, then I don't remember to miss everything. But past couple of days I have talked to Gaye about Estonia and my life there and the more I talk, the more I miss the place. Should stop that.
And go more to gym- it makes me spend all the excess energy I have left from the day and helps me relax.
So friends and other animals :) I miss you!

And I miss sauna, too.


Kaie said...

Tead, me oleme nüüd kaotanud ühe tunni seoses suveajale minekuga.. Ja lumi on ikka veel maas... Mõtle kõigele sellele, siis vast ei tule suurt igatsust. :D

Tahaks ka rattaga sõita... ;)

Kerttu said...

jah, Maria, Kaiel on õigus... lumi on ikka veel maas ja see on nõme...

Maria said...

Te olete ikka head lohutajad ja tuju üleskütjad küll...
Aga kui nüüd mõelda- ega see lumi mind tegelikult absoluutselt ei ahvatle. Niiet, mingil määral mõjus see lume mainimine. :)