


The fact that I'll go to Italy soon, seems like a curse. The closer the date comes the more I will find out what tests will be during my trip. Fuck! Really.
I've got a test in German during my trip, I found out today that I'll probably have a test in Psychometry, too. Then I've got loads of essays to do, I've got two seminars that I should attend, too. Holy crap. I shouldn't swear but this is worth it.

kjegtveatölwerhypaeönti bögahgtaetphwyökjbnqwgälkhbög


Pluxu™ said...

Kas sa neid teste äkki ette ei saa teha? Või n järgi loomulikult peaks ju saama. Seminaridega sama lugu...äkki saad mingi teise ülesande selle asemel?
Õppejõududega läbirääkimine teeb imesid.

Anonymous said...

Ette ei saa, aga järgi küll...