


I have a new movie recommendation again.
I recently downloaded a lot of movies from psychology and psychatry field. So I watched now one of them that I'd planned to watch for a very long time. The name of the movie is "Awakenings". At first the name Robin Williams didn't attract me very much to watch the movie as Williams doesn't seem to be the kind of actor for psychiatry movie. Or a movie from so serious field. So with a little doubt in my soul I started to watch the movie.
My first impression, when the movie hadn't even started, only the introductive subtitles were shown, was a big surprise. I read from the introduction that the movie was based on the book with the same name by Oliver Sacks. How on earth didn't I make the connection between the name of the movie and the book before seeing the movie? So obvious. Anyway, with the knowledge that the movie is based on a book from this author and that the movie is actually based on a true life story I continued watching the movie. My impression when the movie had ended was as good as it was in the beginning. Maybe even better. I was not disappointed in the movie at all... And the actors played their role quite well.
Anyway, the movie is about people who have had some kind of meningitis in their childhood and it has had the effect on their life some time later. In the beginning of the movie these people are diagnosed with unknown schizophrenia or unknown dementia etc. in the movie the patients were frozen in one pose and didn't seem to react to almost anything. They were living in a hospital. A new doctor (Robin Williams) comes to work in the institution and finds out that the patients react to certain stimuli. So he makes a research and finds out that their actual diagnosis is some kind of meningitis (I can't remember right now, what was the proper name of the diagnosis so I will not type it here). And he starts to find a cure to this disease....
Anyway, my plan now is to read the book, too. I've had this book at home, but it was 3in1 book, where were other publications from Sacks also included (I read "The man who mistook his wife for a hat"). I planned to read all the books but as I was lacking of time to do that, I took the book back to the library. Mistake. Total.
So as previously, I still recommend everybody to read books from Oliver Sacks and to watch this movie, too. Thoughtful and realistic stories from what you can learn a lot.
And I can say that Oliver Sacks is probably one of my favourite writers (and neuropsychologist too, as this is his real occupation).


Pluxu™ said...

trailer looks wow...!

Anonymous said...

It is wow!

Liis said...

Vaatasin eile õhtul seda filmi.. ;)
Ja oli küll hea film..(Seda tõestab juba fakt, et ma suutsin arvutist filmi JÄRJEST lõpuni vaadata:D)

Anonymous said...

Väga hea, Liis. Ometi kord paistab mu soovitus asja ette minevat.
Kust sa juba nii kiiresti selle filmi siis said?

Kirke said...

Minagi vaatasin nädalavahetusel seda filmi:D:D:D Tõesti väga hea film oli ja ka näitlejatöö oli super. Üks tore koht oli see, kus üks mees saadi alles Jimi Hendrixi saatel sööma. Muide selle haiguse nimi oli encephalitis lethargica.

Anonymous said...

Mu tuju läheb iga uue kommentaariga paremaks :)
Thanks selle korrektse nimetuse eest.