
Sometimes I wished....


...that I'd have my black hair back. That I'd still be 17. That I'd still go to Nõo high school and lived in the hostal with all my friends so close. Sometimes I wished back even my basic school, but not as much as my high school. Sometimes I wished it was the summer of 2008, a damn but a very lovely summer. All the time I wish that I could see Vero again, could see my old roommates more often, my friends more often.
Friends are the people who will never disappear. Even if the distance is long between them.
Sometimes it seems that I'm not trying hard enough to keep in touch with my friends. And it will be harder in the future.
But so far I'm handling it. Still.
We'll see what the future will bring but all that I can say is that the past and the present is something damn good to be remembered. The puzzle is so far perfect. Nothing to regret, only to remember.

And these are my friends that make everything perfect.

So... This post is devoted to all the people who have affected me in all the ways and have turned me into what I am now.
To the past, present and future!

I love you, my friends!


Kerttu said...

I love you too :)

Maria, sa oled üks selliseid inimesi, kellega on kõige lihtsam mitte sidet kaotada :)