


Okay, I've decided that I should change my blog language into English, because I have so many friends from foreign countries that have tried to read my blog with translators. But you know about translators- they suck completely.
So, from now on, my blog will be in English. I hope it doesn't bother anybody as all of the Estonian readers can speak English.
But now. I have a lot to talk about so I will make many posts and not one and long post.
Firstly, I'll talk about my last week.
On Thursday, 20th of May, I was invited to one of my coursemate's birthday party. Went there with couple of my coursemates and of course I was the sober driver. Well, yeah. I so damn love drinking juice. The party was to me a typical party where I am sober. Just talked to a lot of people about different things etc. As I had many exams coming up, I decided to leave the party quite soon (1. a.m) and go home.
The following days I just studied. Oh, I hated it. The sun was shining outside and birds were singing and I had to stay inside to just study. Genetics, anatomy, research methods in psychology. Sucks to be me! On Monday I had genetics exam. On Tuesday I had two other exams. I slept only about 10 hours three nights before the exams. The exams weren't easy. Anatomy was almost completely bingo-game. But I'll hold my thumbs to pass all of them. I wouldn't have enough time to retake them.
But that's all about the exams. For now.