
The past and the present and the future


I had a nostalgic moment today when I looked at the old photos taken a little time before I came to UK.
It made me realise that I might have missed so many so great things. But life's like "Mr. Nobody" movie. You just choose one path. You can never know what could have happened.
Still, it's nice to have the past that I have. Although it would be sometimes nice to know where I'd be now if I hadn't come to UK.
I guess I might figure some things out when I go home.
Remembering the past is always important.
It just sometimes makes me sad that certain things have passed and will never come back. That some things will never be the same.

But well.
I hope I've made the right decisions in my life so far and that I will continue making them.

I can't wait to go home. To see my friends and family.
2 more days to go.

This week has been crazy busy- work, POVA training, guitar singalong, leisure centre, moving. I'll go to Bristol tomorrow, Glastonbury on Sunday.

Still, sometimes I try to imagine my life in Estonia. I look through the window that my friends sent me in post and try to be back. But sometimes I feel like I've forgotten things. The way things smell, look like.

Life in Estonia seems like some surreal, distant thing.
I guess when I'll be in Estonia, then life in here seems to be some dream that I've had for a long time.

I hope I haven't changed too much in those past 4 months.


Kerttu said...

Changed too much? Ei usu. Kindlasti palju ja ainult paremuse suunas, aga ma ei usu, et liiga palju :)

Nii äge lihtsalt, et me sind näeme juba varsti!!!

Maria, sa tuled Eestisse ja kõik on nii nagu see oli.

Kindlasti oled sa mitmetest asjadest ilma jäänud, aga samas oled sa näinud palju asju, mida need pole, kes Eestisse jäid. Peamisi asju saad sa ikkagi üpris kiiresti teada, mis meil siin toimub. Hea on tunda, et sa oled olemas, kuigi sa oled nii kaugel. :)

Hahahaa :D:D Ma olen nii õnnelik, et ainult natuke veel ja siis näeme...