
Format C:


Yeah, exactly.

I have no idea what happened but I tried to get some guitar chords yesterday from the internet and then all of a sudden my computer told me that it can't get any information from my hard drive. What's more beautiful- my hard drive failed. Hmmm. Lovely.
So I had no other option than to just do format C: and load everything on again. The problem is- I don't have a good internet at the moment. So... I can't download all the programs I had. I'm hoping to do it tomorrow evening, but who knows.
It's quite a perfect time for my computer to fail like this- I just had to do some guitar stuff in here and now I can't do it. But the good side of it is that my in the bigger plan my computer will be working well again and I am just going home from where I can bring all the CD's with the programs I left home. So that's good.

But it's still annoying.