
Pscyhology quote


"Acceptance can transform, but if you accept in order to transform, it's not acceptance. It's like loving. Love seeks no reward but when given freely, comes back  a hundredfold. He who loses his life, finds it. He who accepts, changes." - Marsha Linehan

It's originally about treating borderline personality disorder, but I think it suits perfectly into our everyday life as well.

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Pluxu™ said...

I'm not so sure I get the first part of the quote. If you accept in order to transform, it is not acceptance?

But the rest is so wholly based on Bible, it makes me laugh. I find it funny that so many practical quotes by famous people can be traced back to the Bible, so even if people don't want to read and believe what is written in the Bible, they often cherish and hold true what is written there unaware that it originates from there.