
Boot camp


I just had my first boot camp class today.
Besides the fact that we stood the whole spinning class doing climbing and high speed and increasing the resistance constantly, I started off with military class now.
Gosh, that was interesting, hard as hell and at the same time great fun - totally enjoyable.
In the beginning of the class we just jogged around and warmed ourselves. There were some tires and we had to push them around, then run around with two tires, lift tractor tires off the ground one side and flip them around, sit on the tire when another person pulls you and then change, go down on the tire with your toes touching the tire from one end and knees leaning on the tire and pull yourself around the room, do 10 squats with 20kg, 17 kg, 15kg and 9 kg weights, lifting car tires above your head etc. All of that in high speed. And it was a circuit training. I was swearing hard during the whole class, sweating as a pig but laughing at the same time.
I will do it again next week (and the one after that and so on until I come home).
And after the Boot Camp I had yoga and I already started hurting by the end of that class. Dunno, how I will feel tomorrow. Hope I'll be able to move around without hurting with every move. I think that might be a possibility.

Who doesn't know, then Boot camp classes are based on military circuit training and the instructors are from military and it's probably one of the hardest instructed classes that I know of. But the instructors are good and they push you and tell you to move not to crawl around like a slug. It's a bit like the thing you see in the movies, just easier. But still very hard.

And sooooo damn good.