So this feeling is a notice to me that school is starting and I should go to Tartu and see my friends. Pack my belongings and just move to school. Yet, there's one problem- no school for me for this autumn.
So I have started to miss Estonia a bit now. I miss Tartu in autumn. I miss the spirit of this town. I think I know what is the spirit of Tartu to me- it is the students walking around in the sunny central of the town. The town being filled with young people. I miss going to the uni library, I miss walking around in Tartu. I miss waking up very early to go to lectures, getting home, relaxing in my apartement, cooking some student-food, eating, watching movies. I miss going out in Tartu where there's always a possibility to see some friends. Everywhere you go, you have a chance to see someone you know. And you also get to make new friends. I miss the spirit of Zavood. Having a beer there, or tequila. Requesting music from the bar attendants.
I miss my friends and walking around in the beautiful Tartu. That's the spirit of Tartu to me.
The feeling of wisdom and autumn and students and school and sunshine and warm beautiful old-summer's weather. And then rain in the morning. Misty mornings, when you have to wear wellies.
It's hard to be in here right now in this routine that I've fallen to. I need changes.
Can't do much to change anything in here.
I hope that at least someone feels similar feelings in the beginning of September or in the end of August. I can't describe it. It is just a feeling.
Blimey, I have become so emotional and analytic about my feelings recently. Scary.
Tead, mul tuli ka Tartu-igatsus, kui seda postitust lugesin..
Naljakas lugu on see, et olen Tartus ja kool on alanud jne.
Ei tea, milles lugu.
Igatsen paremaid aegu vist. :D
See on igati mõistetav, miks sul sellised mõtted on. Me oleme programmeeritud koolis käima. Senimaale pole me muud teinud. Su sisemine kell kisendab: "kooli!" :D
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