I have extremely sore throat and am on drugs. Got antibiotics today.
But now...
After being home for some hours I went to Võru, where I was supposed to have my folkore festival meeting. Imagine my anger, when I found out that it was cancelled and placed on the 18th of June. We didn't receive any letter with a notice and I think it's unnormal. I mean, I took a free day from work to go to the meeting and then got to stay at home for so little time. I was also supposed to go to work in the evening after the meeting but i didn't want to go there too early. So I just had to stay in Võru and hang around. Well, at least I found a birthday and graduation present for my sister.
Then, on Saturday, there was a really busy day in the village. We had some memorial park opening and a cleaning day and had to make a cake and I had to perform with Heikki on guitar two songs.
It went well, but I was really tired by the evening. Sunday was a more relaxing day as there were so few inhabitants in the house. I just had to cook and look after them. Not a problem.
On Monday there was some kind of training about communiating with the inhabitants' parents. It took most of the day. In the evening there was a football match between the village and Erastvere in Kanepi. We lost it. But whatever, our goalkeeper was from their side. And they cheated. And, deep in our hearts, we still won. :)
Oh, I've been watching football from TV also. I am changing. Kerttu, be happy :)
Some quotes also: (although I have missed the exact date for them, as usually)
It's not easy to find happiness inside of yourself and it is not possible to find it from somewhere else. - 10th June
Whenever you will fall, always take something with you when you get up. - 15th June
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Mul on kahju, et ma eile õhtul su kõne maha magasin. :)
Tahaks küsida, mis haigus sul on ja mis antibiootikumi võtad, aga kammmooon.. kes küsib seda?
Ja head paranemist:)
Ma ei tea, mis haigus mul on. Igaks juhuks võtan tablette, et vältida kõrvadeni ulatuva kurguvalu minemist põletikuliseks.
Kui huvitav. Ma kunagi olin su blogiaadressi leidnud, miskit huvitavat siit kindlasti näinud. Ära unustanud selle. Täna tegelesin koristamisega ja leidsin paberi, kus leidsin uuesti su blogiaadressi, trükkisin sisse ja. Nüüd leian, et tegutsed Võrumaal? Näen nimesid nagu Kanepi ja Erastvere. Mu vanavanemad nimelt elavad seal päris lähedal ja ma ise veedan ka seal palju aega.
Väga vahva, sellised kokkusattumused(?) panevad ikka naeratama. :)
Tõesti lahe :) Toredaid kokkusattumusi tuleb ikka ette. Eesti on väike :)
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