
The Counterfeit Stones


I did yesterday again some escorting. It came quite surprisingly- I only found out that I have a chance to go out with residents the previous afternoon.
So. This time I went to Taunton to see The Counterfeit Stones which, as you can assume from their name, are a tribute band to The Rolling Stones.
It was a lovely evening out. The band was very similar to the original Stones, as the people told me, so I tried to imagine myself back into 60's and 70's. They had the clothing from that age and haircuts. Mick Jagger-copy did all the weird dancing which made him look as if he was high on drugs. I really loved the person who was representing the quitarists, especially Brian Jones. He made Brian Jones look very hippy and careless person. Feminine. And he played out the roles of other guitarists after Brian Jones very well, too.

It was a great laugh, in between the songs there were videoclips about the new guitarist auditions after Brian's death etc. Although I didn't understand many of the jokes told during the show because they were in British Humour and told too fast for my brain to process them properly, I enjoyed the show. The music was good, the people were clapping and dancing.
A nice evening out.

Today I played guitar for the residents as there was nothing planned for the afternoon in the activities. So I suggested on the guitar and the people were more than happy for the idea. The residents sang along to my poor playing and singing and told me that I should do it some time in the future again.

I will. That's my plan.

And I've got some more plans to make real in here. But. There's no point in spilling the bean. When something's going on, I'll let you know.

Sailing tomorrow.