
There's always something good hidden in bad. And there's always something good around you!


You just have to open your eyes.

My tattoos are now completely healed which means that I can go to sauna again. And so I did. But I'll start from the very beginning.

The weekend before the last one I went to village again. I was in Rootsi maja. It felt so good to be there again after about a month that I hadn't been in the village. I went to the meeting of the co-inhabitants and met the another EVS volunteer, Ludwig, finally. I had wanted to meet him since he came to the village, because he is new and I want to meet new people. And I was happy to admit that he's as cool or even cooler than all the other volunteers that have been working in the village. From the very first moment I started talking to him, we had a lot to talk about. Which is great. Anyway, it was a great weekend at the village- I did my homework and talked to all the people I hadn't seen in a while.
Then I came back to Tartu where I did many exams again....
Then came the last weekend.
Firstly, on Friday we had a big meeting of the co-inhabitants in Tartu, where we discussed SWOT and made the crisis plan for our village. It was great to do the last one because I knew quite a lot about how to react in a crisis situation (I have passed one training about crisis psychology) so I could talk along all the time. It felt good because once in a while I felt again that I'm studying something that I like. I hadn't felt like this the whole week. After the big meeting we had oue christmas party where we danced traditional Estonian songs, sang, ate and talked a lot. We also played the traditional Memory-game that is usual for the co-inhabs Christmas party. It was a really good day.
Then the next day I tried to study a bit which didn't work out. In the evening I went to the village, because it was Judith2's and Rasmus's leaving party. Oh, we danced a lot and the party was so beautiful. There were balloons and everything. After the official party Judith and Rasmus tried to send out a hot-air balloon that they made themselves, but it didn't fly. After that we sat and talked a while in Vana maja and then went to sauna also. One of the great things that happened that night was that I met Fred again and found out that he wasn't angry with me at all for the youth exchange in France. Oh, it made me very happy because I had thought for years that he was angry with me and didn't come to Rõuge because of that.... Anyway, it was really great to talk to Fred and see him again.
It was great to relax from exams also. The sauna was just great. We jumped into snow a lot and made water war with Ludwig. It was a really great sauna party in a while. I also got to know Ludwig better and I talked to Huko and Lauris a lot about EVS and making projects. I saw Jiri and Merlin after a long time and had a very relaxing night after two weeks of constant studying. These are the tiny (or actually very big) things that make my life happy.
I came back to Tartu the following morning by bus and started studying for exams. Which I am doing still. Because I've got loads of them...

And tomorrow I'll get the answer about my EVS hopefully. I am holding all my fingers, toes and thumbs also. Can't wait....


Pluxu™ said...

My fingers, toes, and thumbs are for you!