

So. What has happened since my last post.
Almost nothing.
Have been home for a while. I'm done with the exams for December, got some left for January.
I still have no news about EVS and it's freaking me out already.
Uhmmm. Christmas sucks- I mean I still don't feel like Christmas- I just had party with my relatives yesterday and it wasn't as much of a party as I expected it to be. Not much fun, everybody got to asleep early... Christmas with my Võru friends is also delayed to next year.... Depressive.
I guess if I had the EVS reply, everything would be more happy. Guess I'm in a stress or something like that.

Anyway, time for some quotes:
Isn't it heavenly that there is existing a smile that can secretly reduce the weight of of the big burden that all living creatures have laid on them. - 19/20 Dec

We are located only a heartbeat away from each other. -23rd Dec

Joy is not about getting things, it's inside of us. -24th Dec