Yesterday finally arrived the day when Biffy concert was supposed to happen. Me, Kirke and

Kerttu went to Tallinn quite early and then had some time before the concert as the people started lining up properly from 6 o'clock. So we went to Hesburger and took our stuff to the place we were supposed to stay overnight. Then we went back to Rock Cafe to wait getting in. It was announced earlier that we'll get inside at 19:00 but finally we got inside at 20:00. So we froze outside for more than 2 hrs. When we got in we gave away our coats and then went to front of the stage to wait 'til the warming band -Airhsip- got on the stage. When they finally got, then we rocked a bit but not that much- we wanted to hold ourselves for the Biff. Airship is a really good band and I'm definetely gonna get their music from

somewhere. They played 7 or 8 songs and I knew at least two of them (I had listened to them once from Myspace some days ago). During their performance we could see Biffy members sneaking from behind the curtains of the windows next to stage and waving to us sometimes. Then when they went off the stage it started getting tight in the crowd. I was in the second row. Then people started yelling "Mon the Biff!" to call the band to the stage. When they finally came, I was a bit shocked, because Simon had coloured his hair blond and the beard too. He had also pink tight jeans on. But! No t-shirt! :) James had purple tight jeans. So I wasn't prepared to see them performing like that- I was hoping to see cute Simon

as he is on the homepage picture (he was a cute Santa-Claus now, and oh what a naive me!). Anyway they kicked off the show with "That Golden Rule". Oh my god! During the whole concert the most iportant thing I tried to do was to stay alive. Especially the beginning of the concert. I was kicked, pushed, smashed etc. Well, typical rock-concert, I could say. But then I was also trying to sing along to the songs that I liked. I don't know if they are the best live-bands in the world as advertised, but they were really good. But the sound of Rock Cafe sucked a bit. Anyway it

was a really f**king awesome concert. People sang along to most of the songs. Biff also played most of the songs I was looking forward to hear. When they played "Machines" then the crowd sang along very loud during the whole song. It seemed that Biff were touched inside by it. As far as I know the concert in Helsinki wasn't even half as crazy as the one in Tallinn. I also really liked when the band played "Living is a problem because everything dies". Simon made some weird ticks in the guitar

"bumps" parts so it was really cool. And I sang along to almost all the songs. It's pity that they didn't play "Folding stars". I was really hoping to hear that. Almost at the end of the concert the band told that "See you next summer". Hmm, maybe they are really coming back so soon! Oh, that'd be awesome. I hope I can come to Estonia then to see their concert. If I can't then I'll just go to see them in Britain. Btw, they are gonna

support Foo Fighters for two concerts next July in Britain. Maybe to go to there. Two awesome bands at the same time! But I don't know. Maybe it's inappropriate to say that Biff's the supporter. Because they are probably even better than Foo itself.
Anyway, I am really sorry for all the people who wanted to see Biff yesterday and missed it. This concert was worth seeing and I'd go to see Biffy Clyro again anytime possible.
Mon the Biff!
Ma vaidleks mõnele asjale vastu :D
Mina küll Airshipi ajal end Biffy jaoks ei üritanud hoida :D Tähendab, Airship ei olnud võib olla nii rock, et seal väga palju tõmmelda, aga kurja, see viimane laul oli nii äge!! :P
Ja Foo Fightersile ma küll Biffyt ei eelistaks vist ;) Aga maitse asi.
Kontert oli äge küll :P
Born on a Horse oli kõige parem laul sealt kontserdilt...
Sellel kontserdil oli palju väga häid laule. Tegelt ka. Ma tahaks praegu kohe väga sinna kontserdile tagasi ja rokkida täiega, milleks mul teisipäeval väga võimalust polnud, sest ellujäämisinstinktid olid kohati suuremad.
Ja ma tahaks neid mõlemaid näha. Koos. Aga mul on kahtlane tunne, et piletid lähevad suht poole tunniga.... Kahjuks...
etskae, tuttavad pildid siin ...
Jep. Need olid kusagil üleval- äkki delfis või siis rada7-s....
Ise ei teinud pilte.
Loodan, et sa ei pahanda, et ma neid laenasin. Suht paljud tegid seda.
Ja head pildid on, üks on praegugi taustaks.
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