Firstly, I started going to aerobics with Liisu. Oh, it feels so great again. I had missed aerobics
Then, on Thursday, after school, was our psycho-puppies meeting party. It was in Vahi Tare, which meant that I had to go there by car unless I find myself a sober driver, because the place is at the other side of the city. But, Liisu offered to be my sober driver. Bless her! She is such a cool person :) So, me and my coursemate Grete went there with Liisu and were actually one of the first ones there. So we helped to prepare stuff for the evening. People gathered an hour later than they were expected so everything was delayed a bit. We opened the event with the psycho-traditional boat-race game- it's a drinking game, where people are in a circle and one person starts to drink and then the one on the left side of the person etc. If the person
On Saturday there was the Madmoto weekend or to be more detailed- the nightly hillclimbing competition and the race of old and broken cars and also the race of self-built freak-motorcycles. I had to be in this split minery place named Juraski (:D) an hour before it started, so that we could park our car close and could have enough time before the broken-cars race started, because we had to count how many circles cars did during the race. This time there were 10 cars in the competition. I had to count the circles of two of these cars. The race had four or five rounds and all my cars were on the 2-3 place during most of the race. But for the last race, one of my cars was already too wrecked. But my another car took the second place. Hah! Then, during the race, one car burned down, it was thrown down from the precipice and even the scoop that threw it down there almost fell down. Everybody were looking forward for an explosion, but this didn't come. I personally would have enjoyed some more action. It would have made the event even more interesting. Then after the car-race came the freaky-motorbikes' race. One of the bikes was completely built out of wood, only the engine and one other part (I don't remember exactly, which, and I couldn't definetely translate it either) were made from metal. One of the bikes had a toilet seat for a seat and there was a place for alco at the back of this bike. They were really funny to look at. Then after this race came the hillclimbing competition. Unfortunately there were so few people in competition. Well, not a surprise, because this competition was not part of the master's competition. But yeah, I was hoping to see a lot of racers I know from my work from past years, but most of them weren't there. Oh, I have to go to a Estonian cup competition. The competition went well: Ummi- one of the masters, climbed to top of the hill with 8,8 seconds. This was fast. And some more people went to the top. I could say that the event was well organized. The commentator was also really good- he told us jokes about Opel, but when he discovered that Opel won the broken-cars race, he was "speechless". Haha. But yeah, the comments were good, sometimes we were laughing our asses off.
Now I'm going to study some German and deal with my EVS stuff again. Hold your thumbs for me now, people! Let's hope, I will get a yes-answer from some institutions now. I'll hopefully find out this week.... Oi oi oi...
PS: Tiny pieces of joy in this complicated world are the last hiding places. -11th September
PS2: My internet is obviously too slow.
Ma nägin telkus vist reede õhtul üht tüüpi sellest üritusest rääkimas... moto-omast, mitte psühhode omast ;) :D
Jep. See oli mu ülemus. Ma nägin ka.
Aga sa seekord ei leidnudki mõnda veidrat lauset mu postitusest? Sul ju tavaliselt nii õnnestub :)
Sa ei olnud seekord piisavalt originaalne, et mind naerma ajada ;)
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