First of all- I managed to start my holiday off with hives on my legs, probably due to all the crap I've eaten in my Mcdonalds job. So, I was prescribed Kortisool as the treatment. Besides my legs feeling extremely blown up (they were swollen) and itching and hurting, I was also deadly tired. During my whole holiday. I still managed to meet all the grannys of Hannes and even see Judith and her parents, eat a lot of cake and get some sun. One of my holiday days, Hannes had to go back to Graz to take an exam, so I had a whole day for myself. Spent it in the Ötzi museum and in a cafe, talking to Hannes's brother. In the end of the day I crashed to Judith's place and stayed overnight there. Was a lovely week, full of nice people, dead ancient people and sun.
On Thursday, I drove back to Graz......
So, on the next day, when I got home again, there was still no electricity. Hannes yelled at the guys from the provider a bit, and 2 hrs later, a guy came and switched us in again.
I managed to get a severe cough thanks to going through the city on a stormy evening with all my stuff. Hell, I was pissed. I still am.
So, we're gonna tell them that all the stuff in our freezer was defrozen and had to be used or otherwize it would've gone bad. Or it was already gone bad. As it's some pretty expensive stuff from Estonia (wild-board sausage etc), we will fuck them hard in the arse. Sorry for my expressions, but we're gonna ask for some money and refund for their idiocy. We're not gonna leave it like that.
Anyway, I still worked on Friday, had a coffee with Annika and Thomas (her son) and worked on Saturday. Then Hannes got back. On Sunday we went to Astrid's place to wash our clothes (hopefully for the last time in someone else's place) and play some 7 Wonders. The week full of curiosities and unbelievable happenings was over. With a nice ending (not for the electricity company, I guarantee it), though.
Oh, as the heating is turned off for the summer, our flat had 16 degrees in it, yesterday. Just to say.....
And here's a picture of how Ötzi is supposed to look like.
Hea, et sul on seal sõpru, kes saavad häda korral aidata :)
Aga teil 16 kraadi korteris? Meil keerati aprilli lõpuga küte kinni ja ma usun, et alla 18 kraadi temperatuur toas ei langenud... praegusest palavusest rääkimata :P
No ma ei tea ka, kraadiklaas näitas seda. Pärast mõningast tuulutamist avatud uksega näitas kraadiklaas 18 :)
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