
Bristol Zombie Walk 2011


I'll start from the very beginning.
About a month ago a couchsurfing friend of mine made a post into facebook about a Zombie walk and I asked him what's it's all about. And he gave me the link to a Zombie walk group. Only the date of the walk was confirmed. So I thought I might go to Bristol on that day and have a look. Then, as couple of days passed, I decided I will go there as a Zombie and take part in it. Some days later I changed my mind again because getting to Bristol and back would have been complicated whilst looking frightening. Then, on Thursday evening, after coming home from Boot camp, I thought that oh, what the hell, I might as well dress up. Although the buses don't go and I can't stay for the whole event and so on and so on....

On Friday evening I coloured my blouse and ripped wholes into my leggings. My costume was ready. Now I just had to go to Bristol.

In Bristol I had a little bit of time to get some stuff I still needed for my Scottish trip and then I went to Cabot Circus's toilets to apply my make up. While I was doing that, lots of people had amused expressions on their faces whilst looking at me. Then I stepped out of the toilets and left the mall and then one woman about my age just saw me and jumped and screamed a little bit. Brilliant! The costume was right and working. And I already managed to frighten someone.
Walking to the gathering point was fun- everybody were staring at me with amused faces and some of them looked frightened and jumped a bit. It was so hard to stay serious and walk on without bursting out laughing. I had a hot dog and sat in one place for a while. I also topped up my cell phone and when I entered the mobile-store then the salesman over there lifted his hands as a sign of surrendering. I told him not to worry- my cell just needed food.

Then I headed towards the gathering point and on my way there I met a guy who had perfect movie make-up on and looked really scary. His name was Kyle (with blue contact lenses and whole head done properly with blood and blueish-grayish colour, and teeth looking broken) and we talked a while. Then arrived some more people dressed as Zombies. Everybody took pictures and we had to pose for some photographers and I took some pictures as well. And then some more people gathered and I saw my CS mates and talked to them and we took a group picture as well (I published it in the previous post). It was interesting to see so many people looking so great. Thousands of Zombies gathering. I'm not gonna tell whose Zombie versions came to the walk because I will just put the pictures here. But I can say that my favourite was Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas :) They looked just brilliant.

Then came the time to start invading the central. The zombie-hord walked to Broadmead all craving for brrraiinnnnnssss. All bumping into each other. I made a very scary brrrraiiiiinnnnns-sound and walked as if I had sticks instead of my feet, my hands were stretched out and head leaning partly on my shoulder as my throat was cut by knife. I went around and touched the heads of the people and all the people were just laughing so hard. And I made altogether about 10 people scream a bit, also. We scared people in the cars, photographers, when public transport buses slowed down, we went to the windows and clinged to the bus, all thirsting for some brains. It was so much fun. And even though it was a bit cold I didn't feel it because I was so busy walking and scaring people and just simply having fun.
I couldn't do the walk 'til the end, because I had to catch the bus back home but I heard that some cunts and put some fireworks exploding in the bearpit in the audience and some idiots had climbed the police vans, so there were altogether 5 people arrested. There had never been anything like this before. And some people also took it as a political march against cuts and whatever all the people in the world are protesting against at the moment. But those were still rare exceptions. There were also civilians who were "shooting" the Zombies trying to save the earth but they obviously failed because Zombies can't die. They tried to shoot me once too, I pretended to fall down and then got up again to get their brrrrrraiiiinnnnsssss!

Anyway, on my way home I got many amuzed looks in the bus. When I waited for the bus home from Weston then one guy walked past me and told me my lipstick is a bit all over my face- I just took off my jacket and then he replied "Say no more.... " and went away, laughing.
On the bus some people came on in Winscombe and went to the Bonfire in Cheddar. They talked to me and told me I looked brilliant. One of the guys loved travelling and had camped next to the Talybont reservoir where me and G camped and then we just talked until I had to get off. The lad looked really hot, by the way.
When I got home I scared my family and friends in Skype a bit and then tried to get all the paint off from me.
And then went to sleep, having nice Zombie-dreams.
The mission of the day was accomplished- I managed to scare people and had lots of fun! I hope there will be another Zombie walk next year (the organizers doubt it because of those idiots vandalising) but this year's walk was just brilliant!

I wish we had stuff like this in Estonia.



Soon, my darlings, soon you will see more photos of starving Zombies invading the streets of Bristol. Soon, my darlings, you will hear of the experience of a hungry Zombie walking in the streets of Bristol among with thousands of soulmates. All craving for some brrrrrraiiiiinnnnnnnnnssssssssssss!


Boot camp


I just had my first boot camp class today.
Besides the fact that we stood the whole spinning class doing climbing and high speed and increasing the resistance constantly, I started off with military class now.
Gosh, that was interesting, hard as hell and at the same time great fun - totally enjoyable.
In the beginning of the class we just jogged around and warmed ourselves. There were some tires and we had to push them around, then run around with two tires, lift tractor tires off the ground one side and flip them around, sit on the tire when another person pulls you and then change, go down on the tire with your toes touching the tire from one end and knees leaning on the tire and pull yourself around the room, do 10 squats with 20kg, 17 kg, 15kg and 9 kg weights, lifting car tires above your head etc. All of that in high speed. And it was a circuit training. I was swearing hard during the whole class, sweating as a pig but laughing at the same time.
I will do it again next week (and the one after that and so on until I come home).
And after the Boot Camp I had yoga and I already started hurting by the end of that class. Dunno, how I will feel tomorrow. Hope I'll be able to move around without hurting with every move. I think that might be a possibility.

Who doesn't know, then Boot camp classes are based on military circuit training and the instructors are from military and it's probably one of the hardest instructed classes that I know of. But the instructors are good and they push you and tell you to move not to crawl around like a slug. It's a bit like the thing you see in the movies, just easier. But still very hard.

And sooooo damn good.


"High flying birds" and "Mylo Xyloto"


I have now managed to listen to Noel Gallagher's and Coldplay's new albums.
About NG- his album sounds a lot like Oasis but its completely enjoyable. The songs are similar as well- or what I mean is that when I listened to it for the first time, it all sounded the same. But, it's Oasis style and I could mistake some songs for the Oasis songs if I dind't know it was NG.
About Coldplay- I have listened to the album once. I could say I was a bit disappointed. They have gone mainstream. The songs sound like pop and they have made one song with Rihanna. I liked only two songs from the album because they sounded a bit more like Coldplay that I know. But well, I heard also some elements of traditional Irish music in the songs. So, it's an interesting mixture and I have to listen to it again to have proper opinion. I already hear some the song "Paradise" in the radios all the time.

In the meanwhile....... BRRRRRRRAAAAAIIIIINNNNSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!



A little bit more about locked-in syndrome


I just found this article about a man living in the UK who has had the locked-in syndrome for 6 years and wants the government to have the law which would allow him to die. To die through someone else's hands, through an injection. Because he himself is not capable of doing it...
Click here to read the news

I have just managed to get myself a book called "The diving bell and the butterfly" and will receive it in couple of weeks time. If anyone wants to lend it from me when I get back home, then you're more than welcome. It should be a very interesting and thought-provoking book.

More about locked in syndrome in one of my posts from the archive


If I only understood myself


Sorry for not posting anything informative in the past couple of weeks. I've just been lazy or not motivated enough to do anything useful. Even right now I'm actually forcing myself to do something instead of just sitting in the facebook and staring at people's updates and pictures hoping there will be something interesting or someone will start talking to me. Complete waste of time, I know.

So. I haven't done much in the past couple of weeks. I went to Cardiff to see G the last weekend. Had a Monday off, so I stayed in Cardiff a little longer. Wanted to see the folk museum and go to the bay again, but as the weather was so miserable, I didn't do either of them. It was really windy and drizzling.
Went to pub a lot, ate spicy food, watched telly and just relaxed and enjoyed a weekend outside Somerset. Stayed up late. Had fun.
On Sunday, when we were in the pub then at one point when I was ordering some Guinness, there was "While my guitar gently weeps" playing in the speakers and I started singing along to it. Then a man next to me asked me if I could play guitar and I replied that I can. So he started talking about himself and the fact that he has a tutor and has some trouble with getting the F chord. And then told me to practice 15mins every day and "get that little finger going" and once I would get the F I'd get all the other positions as well. I got my beers and went back to the place I sat and told G about that strange man.
Then the pub closed the section we were sitting in and we had to go downstairs and suprise surprise - the man was still sitting there. Then after a while he noticed me and G and started telling me about the F again. He was pretty loud so the whole pub started listening to our conversation. And then... The joke began... G knew what the man was talking about but then asked him if he has read the book about Kamasutra. And the whole conversation got the whole different meaning. Probably the audience didn't understand a thing we were talking about until Kamasutra was mentioned. Everybody were rolling in laughter, I had tears in my eyes. The man was still talking about the guitar, G about Kamasutra. About position 1, position to, to practice f with the little finger every day 15 mins. The bar attendant tried to quiet us down but eventually gave up as he was laughing so hard. Oh, I still laugh my head off when I think about it. Brilliant conversation. When we left the pub I told in a very loud voice to the man to practice the F because I am already pretty good at it and my little finger works good. And then we left, leaving behind bursts of laughter.

Besides that trip to Cardiff, I haven't done anything else basically. Just work, leisure centre. I watch Torchwood now so this takes away a big amount of my free time.
The thing with me right now is that I'm so confused about everything. It feels like bipolar and a very intense one. I mean, on stage in bipolar is supposed to last for days, even weeks, but my mood changes every couple of hours. I miss home, I don't miss it, I'm happy to be here, I'm happy that it's only about 3 months left 'til I go home, I'm happy not to travel around much, I want to have some action in my life, I'm scared of going home and setteling down there again, I'm scared of leaving this country, I want to talk to people, I don't want to. I dont' understand myself any more at all. And it is so tiring.

I just try to keep myself busy with all the activities and just look happy so that no-one would ask me anything.
I've taken some pictures in the area and will upload them here now.
In about 30 mins time I'll go to hunt some pictures of the Moon. Let's see how good my digital camera is :)

Oh, and what's more- it seems that as the weekend comes we ain't got no heating and warm water. It's happened for two weekends now. Starts to piss me off already.


Get out of the car!


The following is supposedly a true account recorded in the Police Log of Sarasota, Florida.

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping and, upon returning to her car, found four males in the act of leaving with her vehicle. She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at the top of her lungs, "I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!"
The four men didn't wait for a second threat. They got out and ran like mad. The lady, somewhat shaken, then proceeded to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the driver's seat. She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition.
She tried and tried and then she realized, why. It was for the same reason she had wondered why there was a football, a Frisbee and two 12-packs of beer in the front seat.
A few minutes later, she found her own car parken four or five spaces farther down.
She loaded her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her mistake.
The sergeant to whom she told the story couldn't stop laughing.
He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting a car jacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and carrying a large handgun.
No charges were filed.

Moral of the story? If you're going to have a senior moment.... make it memorable!
